Frequently asked questions
There are no fees incurred for investing.
Your investment in CCS will provide you a number of shares in the company that directly owns and operates the sustainability projects. Revenue (and profits) are received through the sales price of the project or from the sale of the energy produced by the project (Power Purchase Agreement, also know as a PPA). Profits are determined when all related expenses are deducted. These profits will be used for the payment of dividends and, these, are used to calculate the ROI of your investments is expected to be around 15-25%.
Loans may differ in structure depending on agreed interest rate, loan tenor and amortization.
Our loans have an interest rate between 6-10%. The nominal interest rate is calculated annually.
You will be repaid throughout the duration of the loan period. The first repayment is typically 3 months after the loan amount has been transferred. This is in order to allow the project to be implemented. After that, repayments occur regularly and an expected repayment schedule can be found in the loan contract (as well as in your dashboard when you’re logged in – coming soon).
Yes, certainly.
All you have to do is decide the amount you would like to re-invest and for what duration. CCS will then process this and add it to your investment portfolio.
Generally, it is not possible to withdraw from a equity investment. However it may be possible to sell this equity to other investors. CCS will assist in identifying any investors who wish to sell their investments.
It is possible to request to exit an existing Loan Agreement if an investor wishes to get back their loan amount before the agreed term. Depending on the terms of the Loan Agreement this is usually between 30-90 days.
The investments into CCS are designed to be held for the medium to long term. The investments are transferable which means you may be able to sell them if you need access to your money earlier. CCS is planning to set up a market platform which enables buyers and sellers to connect. CCS will assist identify new investors who wish to purchase from existing investors wanting to sell their investment.
There are several courses of action available to recover the payments or debt as due under the terms of the legal contract with . Our legal team will lead this if/when it happens. This will not have any impact on the ability of CCS to repay any and all loans under commitment. The benefit of the CCS investment model is that multiple projects are undertaken under a single investment portfolio, therefore the impact of such non-repayments or any delays in payments from customers will be minimal.
In the event of discontinuity of CCS, all outstanding loans will be repaid. The investments made by the investors (shareholders) are not at risk. The services committed prior to the termination of activity will be provided by the new entity that takes over from CCS. This entity will be designated by CCS, which will be subject to approval by the Investors, who will decide in accordance with the shareholders’ agreement.
In the event that CCS is acquired. All outstanding loans will be repaid. The investments made by the Investors are not at risk. The services committed prior to the termination of activity will be provided by the new entity that takes over from CCS. This entity will be designated by CCS, which will be subject to approval by the Investors, who will decide in accordance with the shareholders’ agreement.
CCS is not authorized to provide financial advice to investors. However, CCS will provide as much detail and information available in order to help investors make their decision. Investors make a well-informed decision.
Investors are protected by our professional international standard Loan/Shareholder Agreements.